Thursday, March 4, 2010

An old favorite found again! Orange Julius!

Have you ever had an Orange Julius from that little shop in the mall??  Ya know... I don't even know if they still have those open... because I live in a town with one mall & we haven't had an Orange Julius in over 20 years. lol

I believe I got this recipe first from my older brother when he was going to college in Denver, CO.  We liked it better than the original from the shops because they tasted like they came from a powder... at least to us.

So here is the recipe we have loved... & I've added a couple others to test out...


          Orange Julius
6 oz. frozen orange juice concentrate
1 cup milk
1 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
10 ice cubes (or more depending on how thick you like it)
Combine all ingredients in the blender & blend until smooth.

*  I have even substituted ice cream for the milk a few times for an even creamier drink.
*  My brother used to add an egg for extra protein.
*  Don't be afraid to try other frozen juice concentrates!!

Alternative recipes for Orange Julius:

Alternate 1
6 oz. frozen orange juice concentrate
1 cup whole milk
1/2 cup water
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 cup Cool Whip
1 cup crushed ice 

Combine all ingredients except crushed ice in blender, blending for about 1-2 minutes.  Add crushed ice until smooth.

Alternate 2
1/4 C. Tang
2 T. Sugar
1 C. water
1/2 C. milk
1/2 t. vanilla
2 C. ice cubes

Whip all ingredients in blender until smooth.

 Alternate 3
6 oz. frozen orange juice concentrate
1 cup milk
1 cup water
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
10 ice cubes (or more depending on how thick you like it)
Combine all ingredients in the blender & blend until smooth.

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